Frederick going home

Water cut steel piece The Abolitionist, No. 1 of 10, is on its way to The Frederick Douglass Center for Collaborative Leadership in Rochester, New York. It will be on permanent display. Visit their website to learn more about what they do:

Finally something new

Well, in early February I thought I was recovering from pneumonia. I didn’t. And it was not really pneumonia. I was finally diagnosed with a pretty high level of Valley Fever. Never heard of it? I hadn’t either. It is caused by a fungus in the dry desert areas mainly in the Phoenix and Tucson area and in the San Joaquin Valley in California. It can only be treated with anti fungal meds and for a pretty long time. So I am on that now and slowly getting better, riding my horse again and starting to do some work in the studio. Here are four new pieces that I have painted for a specific purpose. They are all 18″ x 18″ (about 46 x 46 cm), oil on plywood.

Jornada del Muerto, July 15, 1945
Open Range
Somewhere in New Mexico


I am slowly recovering from pneumonia, having been sick over two weeks already. Luckily no Covid-19. So I have not been able to do much in the studio. The most recent work I have completed is this piece, which I am calling Freedom. Oil on plywood, 45″ x 30 ” (114 x 76 cm).

Art Auction in Montana

The Yellowstone Art Museum is opening the Art Auction 53 Exhibition on Friday January 22. The Silent Auction is open for bidding March 1 until March 6 at 11:59 pm. I have a large painting in the auction, Healing Horizon, oil on plywood, 2020, 35″ x 71.5″.

You can view the artwork, the catalogue, and get tickets to bid by visiting their website here:

Transparent Personality in Arizona

When I made the large laser cut corten steel piece Transparent Personality, I had two pieces made and my brother bought one and had it installed outside his house in Cave Creek, Arizona. During a visit recently I was able to photograph it in the afternoon sunlight. Pretty amazing if I may say so about my own art!

Growing inventory

I am building up inventory and the walls are full, so I had to build a movable storage for new work.

Some changes

I made some changes to the painting, built and painted a frame and got a better photo. And then I decided on a different title: Born A Slave.

A new steel piece

For the first time, I have had a steel piece cut with water jet and the result is amazingly good. This piece is 60 x 30 cm (23.5″ x 11.75″). It is made in a stamped series of ten. The Abolitionist.
The photo was taken in near darkness with just ambient light. I love the soft shadow.

The Abolitionist

While reading a brick of a biography on Frederick Douglass, I was inspired to make a painting of him. He was a remarkable man; born a slave 1818 and with no formal education he became one of the fiercest fighters for emancipation and president Lincoln once said there was no man in the country whose opinion he would rather listen to. I am not sure the painting is done and I will let it rest for a while. Oil on plywood, 32 x 37 inches. I will probably make a glossy black frame.

Yellowstone Art Museum

This week I shipped a large horizon painting to the Yellowstone Art Museum in Billings, Montana. The painting has been selected to be shown and included in the Yellowstone Art Auction 53. The physical exhibition will be on display from January 22 through March 6. Bidding for the auction will be online.
My painting is called Healing Horizon, oil on plywood, 2020, size 35″ x 71.5″
