I am back in Santa Fe, have not painted any, but a lot of art projects are in process. One is planning of possible participation at Art Santa Fe in July.
My Pilgrimage continues, a hike to Kitchen Mesa at Ghost Ranch near Abiquiu in New Mexico just blew me away. So incredibly beautiful, amazing colors, and I don’t know if I have ever seen such a blue sky.ghost1On top of Kitchen Mesa, with the legendary mountain Pedernal in the background. Georgia O’Keefe made many paintings of Pedernal, as have many other artists. Soon me too, I guess.ghost2The view from Kitchen Mesa is amazing!ghost3Abiquiu Lake and Pedernal.ghost4The sky becomes even more blue when you have some green trees in view.ghost5Fantastic rock formations.ghost6The late afternoon light brings out all the rich colors. The desert is pretty cool!ghost7Moon rising over Ghost Ranch. Wow! What an afternoon!

One Response

  1. Var på besök i ditt hem/galleri och såg dina fantastiska verk! Du har ett nytt fan.
    Riktigt coola ! We like 😀
    Härlig resa du gett dig ut på …

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