In the summer of 2019 I found an old photograph of a young woman and I was intrigued by her pose and the confident, calm look on her face. One hand was hiding behind her and the other hand was clenched in a fist. I wanted to make a rather large painting of her, but as usual I never quite know what will happen when I start painting. I probably had some #MeToo thoughts and I placed a big kitchen knife in her hidden hand and made a contrasting background. While I was painting her, she was calmly facing me and it was quite a challenge to ”find” her and paint that confident face. At times my heart was beating faster and maybe I was a bit nervous about her calm gaze patiently waiting, while she was ready to strike. I had to leave her at times and after several small adjustments I was happy and felt like I could respectfully leaver her alone. I gave her the name Nora and I hope she will be treated well.