Working on a new piece

I am spending a lot of time in my new amazing studio. It is a pleasure to work in it and I am starting on a new, larger piece, while also finishing a few small pieces I started on in the summer.

Kitchen cabinets and curtains done!

I have been very focused and have completed the kitchen cabinets. In any case, it is a pretty unique kitchen, like it or not. So today I focused totally on making curtains for the guest room/office. It took a long day, but I got it done! Outside it is pretty much done, at least for […]

Certificate of Occupancy

Yesterday we had our last inspection and got our CO! Very nice. A few things remain to be done, though. I am working hard painting the doors for the kitchen, I am almost done. Pictures will come soon. What a joy and pleasure to work in the studio! My loudspeakers are great, the acoustics as […]

Slowly getting done… but slowly now

It is a bit frustrating to get the last little things finished and to get the final inspections. But we are making progress. Last Friday we got the driveway finished. We have planted some trees and a few more will be planted soon. Meanwhile I am painting and working on the crazy cabinet doors. The […]

Working in the studio!

After almost four years of dreaming, sketching, drawing, planning, and building… I am working in the new studio! Although I am a bit rusty and inefficient, as I am mostly just sitting and looking, in awe of this beautiful building. Overwhelmed, tired, thrilled, thankful. I am going to miss all my dedicated builders, many of […]


A massive week has come to an end and I am really tired. Starting to relax after an intense two months. It has been a lot of fun and the results are great! Today we graded and cleaned up around the entire house! Some planting and landscaping remain. Now it looks clean and nice. Some […]

Solar Power to the People

Finally! Now our solar panels are producing electricity! It has been a very slow process, don’t ask me why, but mostly because of our electricians Allied Electric. Positive Energy Solar have done the installation and they have been good to work with. PNM in Santa Fe have also been ok. This town is probably one […]

Let there be light… at least LED

This week a lot has happened, not everything so visible, som some things are: Now there is light in the studio. The stone countertop was mounted and the sink, plumbing, etc. as well as some of the appliances, etc. The guest room is almost done. Sealing of the floor remains and a few minor details. You […]

Huge difference

Sorry, it has been a while since I updated! Lots and lots of things are happening!

Rest after a productive week

A good week it has been, indeed! Photos taken today: The outside stucco scratch coat is completed, including waterproofing of the parapets, etc. The vigas and portal wood works have been stained. Now the outside will cure and harden for a few weeks. Exciting to have come this far! The outside wall had been “insulated” […]