23 golden logos

I am working on a commission, a portrait of a young goldsmith. Instead of doing something obvious to identify his profession, I am working on a format that is based on the Golden Section and I wanted to have his nice logo in gold spray as a background. To do that proved to be a […]

“Sloppy work” she said

Even though some others were excited over my painting, I was not happy. And then Andrea told me the other night she thought the work was sloppy. So I have been been spending a few more days working on it. I guess it isn’t really sloppy anymore. Did I overdo it?

Just letting it go

I have left my painting on the easel for a week, because I was surprised by comments of those close to me (especially my parents) who thought my painting was fantastic. So I will leave it as it is now and do another one in much smaller format.

I forgot it was this hard

I am currently working on a piece that is harder than usual. I had forgotten it was this difficult to paint. I have no idea if it is going to work out. The format is 40 x 106 cm, don’t ask me why. It is far from done, a lot of work remains, I think!? […]

Another new piece

This little painting is called Donald Trump is coming for dinner tonight. The size of the piece is 12 x 20 cm. Oil on plywood.

The way you look…

… when cutting off somebody’s head. A pastiche on Caravaggio. One of the most recent works for the ongoing show in Båstad. It is small, 12 x 20 cm.

The Great Emptiness Between Now and Then

My most recent painting, currently on view at the Library Gallery in Båstad is a landscape painting called The Great Emptiness Between Now and Then and it is 27,2 x 138 cm, a format that is really difficult to view properly on a computer. It is oil and varnish (polyurethane) on plywood.

Can I live without success?

In preparing for my exhibition at the library gallery in Båstad, I asked myself this question. I even named one of my little pieces this, see below. In every part of what I do, I try to give of my very best, as I did this time too. I made some new works and I […]

No rest, new show soon!

On Saturday May 6 my show at the Library Gallery in Båstad opens. I am working on some new pieces and preparing everything. This poster was made by Båstad Bjäre Konstförening.

Studio Tour finished… puh!

After ten days of intense interaction with over 2300 visitors both Andrea and I are tired. But also pleased with the response, which has been overwhelming! So many smiles, so many friendly people, so many expressions of praise and excitement, from both young and old. Meanwhile there have been around 1000 visits to this website. […]